The Alchemy blog is a collaborative space where we will discuss how to convert one metal form into another, using the resources available in the US market. If you need a metal form or size that does not exist....and you need less than a mill is willing to sell, with a delivery they can't offer, we can help.

If you need an odd sized tube...welded... we'll talk about the shops who can take flat sheet or plate and roll/ weld/ test to the dimensions and specifications required.

If you need an odd sized pipe....seamless...we'll introduce you to trepanning, boring and honing shops who can take a solid round bar and turn it into the most beautiful pipe you've ever seen....up to 40 feet long.

If you need rectangular parts in a size that nobody stocks, we'll introduce you to a shop who can take round bar and cut rectangles...we'll talk about how rectangles can be cut from plate, flat bar and forged billet.

Bottom line, this blog is about solving problems that you're having in sourcing metals. Most importantly, if you can find a way to source a metal and your competition cannot, then you may well find yourself as the sole source, winning a very profitable job.

To me, alchemy has always been about change....transformation. The common definition speaks to a chemical process that would turn basic iron into gold.

In my mind, we in the metals industry are all alchemists, metaphorically speaking.

This blog is intended for distributors, machine, fabrication, welding and stamping shops, as well as OEM's....anyone who turns metal into gold.

I've been an alchemist for over 40 years and I've learned lots of tricks that I want to share....but I know that others have so many ideas of their own and I hope that you'll share with us here.