Aluminum 2018 is stocked by 0 North American distributors and produced by 1 large mills. Distributors will offer small quantity buys while mills will generally only sell large quantities, with delivery times anywhere from 10 to 50 weeks depending on size and form required
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The following specifications cover Aluminum 2018
Property Results
Chemistry Data : [top]
Balance |
0.1 max |
3.5 - 4.5 |
1 max |
0.45 - 0.9 |
0.2 max |
1.7 - 2.3 |
Remainder Each
0.05 max |
Remainder Total
0.15 max |
0.9 max |
0.25 max |
Principal Design Features
This is a high strength, age hardening, forging alloy.
Commonly used in the manufacture of aircraft engine cylinders and in heads and pistons.
The alloy is readily machined, especially in the aged condition for smooth finishing. In the T4 condition (solution heat treated) the alloy is softer and may tend to build up during lathe turning or milling. Use of lubricating oils is recommended.
This is primarily a forging, or hot working, alloy. However cold working can be done with the alloy on the annealed condition.
Welding of this alloy by conventional methods is NOT recommended. It may be arc or resistance welded by special techniques
Heat Treatment
Solution heat treatment is done at 950 F for sufficient time to allow uniform heating throughout, then water quench. For heavy section size parts the water quench should be done using water at approximately 200 F.
Forging should be done in the temperature range of 900 to 970 F, finishing at 500 F before reheating to 970 F if necessary.
Hot Working
The alloy may be hot worked readily in the temperature range of 500 to 970 F.
Cold Working
This alloy is primarily intended for fabrication by forging and/or hot working. However it may be cold worked by conventional means but this should be done with the alloy in the annealed condition.
Annealing ("O" temper) is done at 775 F for 3 hours and then controlled cooling at 50 F per hour down to 500 F, followed by air cooling.
Age hardening is accomplished starting with the alloy in the solution treated, T4, condition (950 F and water quenched). Age at 340 F for 10 hours followed by air cool for T61 temper . Age at 450 F for 6 hours and air cool for T71 temper.
Not applicable.
Hardens by heat treatment and aging and/or cold working.
Other Physical Props
Electrical conductivity 40% of copper.
Other Mechanical Props
Shear strength T61 temper 39 ksi.
Physical Data : [top]
Density (lb / cu. in.)
Specific Gravity
Melting Point (Deg F)
Poissons Ratio
Modulus of Elasticity Tension
Modulus of Elasticity Torsion
Mechanical Data : [top]
MSO currently has no data available for this grade.
Videos :
MSO currently has no videos available for this grade.
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