Stainless Steel 253 MA(tm) is stocked by 9 North American distributors and produced by 7 large mills. Distributors will offer small quantity buys while mills will generally only sell large quantities, with delivery times anywhere from 10 to 50 weeks depending on size and form required
This material is stocked primarily in Tubular Products by 5 distributors but is also available to a lesser extent in Flat Rolled Products, Bar Products, Piping Components, and Wire Products.
For distributor (small quantity) availability click here
For mill (large volume) production click here
To view all click here
The following specifications cover Stainless Steel 253 MA(tm)
- ASTM A167
- ASTM A182
- ASTM A213
- ASTM A240
- ASTM A249
- ASTM A269
- ASTM A276
- ASTM A312
- ASTM A336
- ASTM A358
- ASTM A409
- ASTM A473
- ASTM A479
- DIN 1.4893
- UNS S30815
Property Results
Related Metals:
Chemistry Data : [top]
0.05 - 0.1 |
0.03 - 0.08 |
20 - 22 |
Balance |
0.8 max |
10 - 12 |
0.14 - 0.2 |
0.04 max |
1.4 - 2 |
0.03 max |
Principal Design Features
This alloy combines oxidation resistance up to 2100 F(1150 C) with high strength, good general corrosion resistance and ease of fabrication. It is austenitic in all conditions. Developed as an alternative for 310 and 446 stainless in heat resistant applications by replacing some of the chromium and silicon with domestically available rare earth metals. For improved creep strength at high temperature, consider Alloys 214, 556 and 230.
Applications include a wide variety of components requiring high strength at elevated temperatures. Among them are included radiant heating tubes, heat exchangers, heat treating oven components, kilns, expansion bellows and stack dampers.
Similar in characteristics to other austenitic heat resisting alloys. Positive feeds and slow speeds combined with abundant cutting fluid can minimize this alloys' high tendency to work harden.
This alloy can be readily sheared, formed and punched. Due to its high strength, however, expect to use higher forces to counteract its tendency to spring-back. No forming should be performed in the range of 1200-1600 F(650-870 C) due to low ductility.
All commonly known welding methods apply here, including SMAW, GMAW and SAW .Preheating and post weld annealing are not required. Filler metal should be of similar composition for maximum weld integrity and properties.
Heat to 2000 F(1100 C) and finish at 1650 F(900 C). Do not hold or soak at temperature due to problems associated with excessive grain growth.
Stress relieve at 1560-1740 F(850-950 C), held for 10-15 minutes followed by air cooling. Full annealing is obtained by heating to 1920-2100 F(1050-1150 C), holding for 10-15 minutes followed by air cooling.
This alloy will not harden by thermal treatment.
Physical Data : [top]
Density (lb / cu. in.)
Specific Gravity
Specific Heat (Btu/lb/Deg F - [32-212 Deg F])
Electrical Resistivity (microhm-cm (at 68 Deg F))
Poissons Ratio
Magnetic Permeability
Modulus of Elasticity Tension
Mechanical Data : [top]
Form |
Sheet |
Condition |
Annealed |
Temper |
70 |
Tensile Strength |
104 |
Yield Strength |
51 |
Elongation |
51 |
Reduction of Area |
70 |
Sharpy |
110 |
Form |
Sheet |
Condition |
Annealed |
Temper |
212 |
Tensile Strength |
92 |
Yield Strength |
38 |
Elongation |
51 |
Reduction of Area |
69 |
Form |
Sheet |
Condition |
Annealed |
Temper |
572 |
Tensile Strength |
83 |
Yield Strength |
28 |
Elongation |
50 |
Reduction of Area |
68 |
Form |
Sheet |
Condition |
Annealed |
Temper |
932 |
Tensile Strength |
76 |
Yield Strength |
25 |
Elongation |
47 |
Reduction of Area |
67 |
Form |
Sheet |
Condition |
Annealed |
Temper |
1100 |
Form |
Sheet |
Condition |
Annealed |
Temper |
1292 |
Tensile Strength |
58 |
Yield Strength |
23 |
Elongation |
44 |
Reduction of Area |
60 |
Form |
Sheet |
Condition |
Annealed |
Temper |
1300 |
Form |
Sheet |
Condition |
Annealed |
Temper |
1500 |
Form |
Sheet |
Condition |
Annealed |
Temper |
1700 |
Form |
Sheet |
Condition |
Annealed |
Temper |
1900 |
Videos :
MSO currently has no videos available for this grade.
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