Alloy Steels 4130 is stocked by 84 North American distributors and produced by 68 large mills. Distributors will offer small quantity buys while mills will generally only sell large quantities, with delivery times anywhere from 10 to 50 weeks depending on size and form required
This material is stocked primarily in Bar Products by 38 distributors but is also available to a lesser extent in Tubular Products, Flat Rolled Products, Wire Products, Forging Products, Piping Components, and Structurals.
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The following specifications cover Alloy Steels 4130
- AISI 4130
- AMS 6348
- AMS 6350
- AMS 6351
- AMS 6360
- AMS 6361
- AMS 6362
- AMS 6370
- AMS 6371
- AMS 6373
- AMS 6374
- AMS 6528
- AMS 7496
- ASTM A108
- ASTM A29
- ASTM A322
- ASTM A331
- ASTM A506
- ASTM A507
- ASTM A513
- ASTM A519
- ASTM A646
- ASTM A752
- ASTM A829
- MIL S-18729
- MIL S-6758
- SAE J1397
- SAE J404
- SAE J412
- UNS G41300
Property Results
Related Metals:
- Chrome Moly - 4130
- StarDOM 4130(tm)
Chemistry Data : [top]
0.28 - 0.33 |
0.8 - 1.1 |
0.7 - 0.9 |
0.15 - 0.25 |
0.035 max |
0.15 - 0.35 |
0.04 max |
Principal Design Features
AISI 4130 is a low alloy steel containing molybdenum and chromium as strengthening agents. The carbon content is nominally 0.30% and with this relatively low carbon content the alloy is excellent from the fusion weldability standpoint. The alloy can be hardened by heat treatment.
Typical applications for 4130 low alloy steel include. structural use such as aircraft engine mounts and welded tubing applications.
This alloy is readily machined by conventional methods. Machinability is best with the alloy in the normalized and tempered condition. Although the alloy may be machined in the fully heat treated condition, machinability becomes more difficult with increasing strength (hardness) of the alloy.
Formability is best in the annealed condition for which the ductility is very good, Bend radii of 1t on annealed sheet material may be made.
4130 alloy is noted for its weldability by all of the commercial methods.
Heat Treatment
Heating at 1600 F followed by an oil quench will harden the 4130 alloy. For best results a normalizing pre-hardening heat treatment may be used at 1650 to 1700 F followed by the 1600 F soak and oil quench.
Forge at 2200 F maximum down to 1750 F.
Hot Working
4130 in the annealed condition has excellent ductility. Thus it is usually not necessary to do hot working to form parts. If hot working is needed it can be done in the range of 2000 F to 1500 F.
Cold Working
Cold working by conventional methods is readily accomplished on this alloy.
4130 (and most of the other low alloy steels) may be annealed at 1550 F for a time long enough to allow thorough heating of the section size. It should then be cooled in the furnace at a rate of less than 50 F per hour down to 900 F, followed by air cooling from 900 F.
Not applicable to this alloy.
Tempering is done to restore some of the ductility that may be lost after the hardening heat treatment and quench. Alloy 4130 is tempered at between 750 F and 1050 F, depending upon the strength level desired. The lower the tempering temperature the greater the strength.
Hardening is accomplished by heat treatment or by cold working -- see "Heat Treatment".
Other Comments
The 4130 alloy is a through hardening alloy and should not be case hardened.
Physical Data : [top]
Density (lb / cu. in.)
Specific Gravity
Specific Heat (Btu/lb/Deg F - [32-212 Deg F])
Melting Point (Deg F)
Thermal Conductivity
Mean Coeff Thermal Expansion
Modulus of Elasticity Tension
Mechanical Data : [top]
MSO currently has no data available for this grade.
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