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c26800 copper alloys material property data sheet - product availability and request a quote


Metal Suppliers Online: Material Property Data

Copper Alloys C26800


Copper Alloys C26800 is stocked by 6 North American distributors and produced by 5 large mills. Distributors will offer small quantity buys while mills will generally only sell large quantities, with delivery times anywhere from 10 to 50 weeks depending on size and form required

This material is stocked primarily in Flat Rolled Products by 2 distributors but is also available to a lesser extent in Tubular Products, and Wire Products.

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The following specifications cover Copper Alloys C26800

  • ASTM B36
  • ASTM B587
  • MIL W-6712
  • SAE J461
  • SAE J463
  • UNS C26800

Property Results

Related Metals:

Chemistry Data : [top]


64 - 68.5


0.05 max


0.15 max

Remainder Each


Principal Design Features Brasses (Copper-Zinc Alloy), Yellow Brass, 66%

Applications Primarily used for hot or cold-formed products.

Machinability The machinability rating of this alloy is 30. (Where Alloy 360 FC Brass is 100).

Welding Soldering is rated as "excellent", brazing is rated as "excellent", oxyacetylene welding is rated as "good", gas shielded arc welding is rated as "fair", coated metal arc welding is "not recommended", spot welding is rated as "good", seam welding is "not recommended" and butt welding is rated as "good".

Forging The hot forgeability rating of this alloy is unknown. (Forging Brass=100). The recommended hot working temperature for this alloy is unknown.

Hot Working This alloy's capacity for being hot formed is rated as "poor".

Cold Working The capacity for cold working this alloy is rated as "excellent".

Annealing The annealing temperature for this alloy is between 800 and 1300 F.

Physical Data : [top]

Density (lb / cu. in.) 0.306
Electrical Resistivity (microhm-cm (at 68 Deg F)) 38.4
Melting Point (Deg F) 1660
Modulus of Elasticity Tension 15000

Mechanical Data : [top]

MSO currently has no data available for this grade.

Videos :

MSO currently has no videos available for this grade.

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