Super Alloy Alloy 255 is stocked by 11 North American distributors and produced by 10 large mills. Distributors will offer small quantity buys while mills will generally only sell large quantities, with delivery times anywhere from 10 to 50 weeks depending on size and form required
This material is stocked primarily in Bar Products by 7 distributors but is also available to a lesser extent in Flat Rolled Products, Wire Products, Forging Products, Piping Components, Tubular Products, and Fasteners.
For distributor (small quantity) availability click here
For mill (large volume) production click here
To view all click here
The following specifications cover Super Alloy Alloy 255
- ASTM A240
- ASTM A479
- ASTM A789
- ASTM A790
- ASTM A815
- UNS S39255
Property Results
Related Metals:
- HPA 255
- AF.550
- Ferralium 255(tm)
- Alloy I864
- Alloy I020
- FERRALIUM 255 (r)(tm)
Chemistry Data : [top]
0.04 max |
24 - 27 |
1.5 - 2.5 |
Balance |
1.5 max |
2.9 - 3.9 |
4.5 - 6.5 |
0.1 - 0.25 |
0.04 max |
1 max |
0.03 max |
Principal Design Features
This alloy, commonly known as Ferralium Alloy 255, is essentially an enriched stainless steel of chromium-iron-nickel. It has good chemical corrosion resistance as well as being erosion resistant.
Applications include chemical process equipment in which chlorides or phosphoric acid are encountered. The good erosion resistance of the alloy also make it suitable for pumps and valves handling hot slurries that may be abrasive as well as corrosive.
Although substantially harder than most other stainless steels, Alloy 255 can be successfully machined using most common methods. Slow speeds and heavy, constant feeds are required to overcome this alloys' tendency to work harden.
Alloy 255 can be successfully formed using all common methods of hot or cold working.
Alloy 255 can be successfully welded using most common methods, including GTAW, GMAW and SMAW procedures. When filler metal is required, for joining with a dissimilar of higher alloy content, select the filler corresponding to the higher alloy material for best results.
Heat Treatment
The alloy responds to annealing, but is not age-hardenable.
Forging may be done in the range of 2220 F to 1700 F. A re-anneal must be done following forging in order to regain optimum corrosion resistance.
Hot Working
See "Forging".
Cold Working
This is a ductile alloy, similar to the stainless steels but stiffer, and it is readily cold worked by conventional means. An anneal must be done following cold work to restore corrosion resistance.
Anneal at 1900 F and rapid cool.
Hardens by cold work only, but should be used in annealed condition for corrosion resistance.
Physical Data : [top]
Density (lb / cu. in.)
Specific Gravity
Specific Heat (Btu/lb/Deg F - [32-212 Deg F])
Electrical Resistivity (microhm-cm (at 68 Deg F))
Melting Point (Deg F)
Mean Coeff Thermal Expansion
Magnetic Permeability
Modulus of Elasticity Tension
Mechanical Data : [top]
Form |
Plate |
Condition |
Solution Heat Treated |
Temper |
70 |
Tensile Strength |
129 |
Yield Strength |
99 |
Elongation |
26 |
Rockwell |
C27 |
Form |
Plate |
Condition |
Solution Heat Treated |
Temper |
200 |
Tensile Strength |
114 |
Yield Strength |
88 |
Elongation |
29 |
Form |
Plate |
Condition |
Solution Heat Treated |
Temper |
400 |
Tensile Strength |
110 |
Yield Strength |
80 |
Elongation |
30 |
Form |
Plate |
Condition |
Solution Heat Treated |
Temper |
600 |
Tensile Strength |
105 |
Yield Strength |
76 |
Elongation |
31 |
Form |
Sheet |
Condition |
Solution Heat Treated |
Temper |
70 |
Tensile Strength |
129 |
Yield Strength |
99 |
Elongation |
24 |
Rockwell |
C26 |
Videos :
MSO currently has no videos available for this grade.
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