Super Alloy Nickel Berrylium Alloy 360 is stocked by 0 North American distributors and produced by 1 large mills. Distributors will offer small quantity buys while mills will generally only sell large quantities, with delivery times anywhere from 10 to 50 weeks depending on size and form required
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The following specifications cover Super Alloy Nickel Berrylium Alloy 360
Property Results
Related Metals:
Chemistry Data : [top]
1.85 - 2.05 |
Balance |
0.4 - 0.6 |
Principal Design Features
Nickel Berrylium Alloy 360 is a precipitation hardening nickel based alloy that offers designers a variety of strength, ductility and hardness combinations while maintaining excellent corrosion resistance and providing a unique resistance to galling. Nickel Berrylium Alloy 360 can be cold formed like nickel in the annealed condition and can be hardened by simple heat treatment techniques to produce a component with an exceptional combination of properties.
Typical application include glass molds, valves, pump parts and permanent casting molds.
Nickel Berrylium Alloy 360 can be fabricated by conventional machining processes. Machining characteristics depend upon the temper purchased. A rigid machining set up is recommended. Cutting fluids suitable for nickel alloys and stainless steels should be used. Rake, relief and cutting angles used for nickel alloys and stainless steels with the appropriate chip breakers on tooling should be used for machining Nickel Berrylium Alloy 360. Precautions should be taken when grinding or performing any process that can produce fine airborne particles since both beryllium and nickel particles pose health and safety risks. Refer to the Nickel Berrylium Alloy MSDS information.
Nickel Berrylium Alloy 360 can be cold formed like nickel in the annealed condition.
Heat Treatment
Nickel Berrylium Alloy 360 precipitation hardens or ages at temperatures in excess of 700 F and below 1300 F. Precipitation hardening increases strength and decreases ductility. By controlling the exposure time and temperature, strength and ductility of annealed and H775 Nickel Berrylium Alloy 360 can be changed to meet design requirements.
Other Physical Props
Nickel Berrylium Alloy 360 has thermal conductivity similar to steel and nickel. The combination of high strength and good thermal conductivity make Nickel Berrylium Alloy 360 well suited to heat exchanger applications.
Other Mechanical Props
The mechanical properties of Nickel Berrylium Alloy 360 vary with precipitation hardening treatments. Nickel Berrylium Alloy 360 is available as annealed and is slightly stronger than Nickel 200
Physical Data : [top]
Density (lb / cu. in.)
Poissons Ratio
Mean Coeff Thermal Expansion
Mechanical Data : [top]
Form |
Strip |
Condition |
Annealed |
Temper |
68 |
Tensile Strength |
110 |
Yield Strength |
50 |
Elongation |
45 |
Reduction of Area |
65 |
Form |
Strip |
Condition |
H 1050 |
Temper |
68 |
Tensile Strength |
190 |
Yield Strength |
150 |
Elongation |
10 |
Form |
Strip |
Condition |
H 925 |
Temper |
68 |
Tensile Strength |
205 |
Yield Strength |
170 |
Elongation |
5 |
Videos :
MSO currently has no videos available for this grade.
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