Refractory Alloys Niobium is stocked by 16 North American distributors and produced by 8 large mills. Distributors will offer small quantity buys while mills will generally only sell large quantities, with delivery times anywhere from 10 to 50 weeks depending on size and form required
This material is stocked primarily in Flat Rolled Products by 11 distributors but is also available to a lesser extent in Bar Products, Wire Products, Tubular Products, Powder, Scientific Forms, and Shapes.
For distributor (small quantity) availability click here
For mill (large volume) production click here
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The following specifications cover Refractory Alloys Niobium
- ASTM B391
- ASTM B392
- ASTM B393
- ASTM B394
- UNS R04210
Property Results
Chemistry Data : [top]
MSO currently has no data available for this grade.
Principal Design Features
Niobium (also occasionally called Columbium) is a relatively light metal that maintains high mechanical properties at extreme temperatures. Niobium is extremely similar in many ways to Tantalum. They were discovered almost simultaneously and many metallurgists feel that many applications employing tantalum could be more cost effectively dealt with by using niobium.
The largest user of niobium was and is the nuclear power industry, however the alloy has successfully been employed in a variety of other applications including jet engine components. It is commonly used as an alloying element in many of the high temperature superalloys.
In general, niobium has a strong tendency to gall. It is recommended to use high speed tooling with good lubrication. The material turns very similarly to soft copper or lead.
Niobium, because of its low work hardening rate can readily be formed, spun and stamped, although great care must be taken with lubrication.
TIG welding is the preferred method for niobium, with a few notable modifications. The weld pool must be covered with inert gas both on the face and back of the weld area.
Heat Treatment
See annealing.
Niobium can be cold forged from ingot at room temperature.
Cold Working
Niobium possesses excellent cold working properties and can be forged rolled or swaged from ingot at room temperature.
Heat thoroughly at 1200 C in inert gas or vacuum at pressure below 1 x 10 -4 Torr. For stress relieving, 800 C is the recommended temperature.
Physical Data : [top]
Specific Heat (Btu/lb/Deg F - [32-212 Deg F])
Melting Point (Deg F)
Poissons Ratio
Mean Coeff Thermal Expansion
Mechanical Data : [top]
MSO currently has no data available for this grade.
Videos :
MSO currently has no videos available for this grade.
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